I downloaded this video and knew right away it was Father’s Day gold. From “The Spirit of Fishing”, to videographer, photographer, guide, and net man, the OG Backpack Kid has some serious fishing buddy skills!! It’s only been 3 short years since our “Parenting Done Right” blog, yet my sons have taken in and never forgotten any memory from our times on the water. They’ve quickly become my best fishing buddies and it’s been incredibly hilarious. Watch this vid and you’ll see!

If I were to recap the years for prospective parents, it’d look like this:
Myles Year 1:Â
Pretty tough to fish; but doable on a local stocked pond, a bottle of milk and UPF fishing swaddle blankets (in production).

Myles Year 2:Â
The start of OG Backpack Kid. Getting our first son Myles used to being in the pack was easy, and a hell of a lot of fun! We just had to keep the outings short and bring the D&D (donuts and diapers)!

Myles Year 3 / Maxwell Year 1:Â
Year 3 was prime backpack fishing, and the highlight goes back to “Parenting Done Right”. We hiked 10’s of miles together, my knees got destroyed, and we loved every minute of fishing together. Coincidentally, this was also the year our 2nd son, and rightful heir to the backpack throne was born.

Myles Year 4 / Maxwell Year 2:Â Â
IT WAS TOUGH! Our 2 year old Maxwell now knows his brother and dad are going fishing without him… Bottom line? TANTRUMS! Yet my 4yr old Myles isn’t old enough to be river safe. Parents, this is the highest stress year and will test your fortitude as a fisher-person! It’s a good idea to split up and switch to man-to-man defense, or head out as a family and teach some river safety.

Myles Year 5 / Maxwell Year 3:Â
Ok, the shock of 4 and 2 is wearing off and we’re getting in our groove. We’ve found other fly parents who can chill and etc. BE SAFE, have fun, find some bugs, sticks and sneak in some river naps. You ain’t catchin’ many fish. Entomology class in session.

Myles Year 6 / Maxwell Year 4:
THE START OF THE GOOD YEARS! Myles is a level 6 net man, level 3 camera guy, level 8 guide, and level 10 ego crusher. Max is off destroying the only clothes I brought him. Both kids have good river safety, and can cast their little rods and start fishing on their own!! Highlights include catching rare rainbow trout and ULTRA-RARE Golden Brown trout!

Every year has been 100% unpredictable and a lot of work. If we could give you advice, it would be to just go with the flow and make some memories on the water! This year, we’re taking it to the next level of the unknown by introducing BABY #3! Our baby fly girl will bring the next level of unknown in Sept 2020 and as a fishing Dad, I couldn’t be more excited!