8 Years ago Jeremy Clark (AKA Jerms) found himself stuck on the 25th floor of a building in Christchurch New Zealand…
The city had been hit by a powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquake. In that moment of darkness, Jerms had a new perspective on things. His near-death experience was a clarifying moment, he knew what he wanted if he had the fortune of making it out alive. He wanted kids.
After several years of trying to have children proved unsuccessful, Jeremy and his wife Billie Jo decided they were going to give adoption a try. As young professionals, the adoption process was expensive and daunting. Unannounced, Jerms’ friends put together a fundraiser to raise money to help him adopt a child.
90% of the money came from the fly fishing community. Members of the community auctioned flies, guided trips, custom rods, anything they could, out of the kindness of their hearts to help a fellow angler. Fast forward a few years and we have Zealand. This is a story about a dad, a husband, a father, an outdoorsman, and a beautiful mess.
Thank you to Grizzly Coolers for helping us tell this story
Flylords would like to thank all the dads who work day in and day out to love, care for, and inspire the next generation of anglers.
Father Daughter Fishing Trips are the Best…Especially in Belize!