In this week’s “How to Tie” video feature, Savage Flies ties a variant on Dave Whitlock’s deer hair bass bug, the Deer Hair Frog.

Learn About This Fly:

Difficulty: Intermediate

As we approach the dog days of summer, it is important to respect our trout friends and give them a rest if water temps get too high. Check with your local fly shop for temps or bring a stream-side thermometer to the river to ensure ethical practices. This time of year presents exceptional opportunities for warm water species, especially large and smallmouth bass. The topwater bite for these species is some of the most exciting fishing one can do, and the Deer Hair Frog is just the tool for the job this summer.

Spinning deer hair can be frustrating and a bit time consuming, but the finished product is worth every second. Becoming comfortable using deer hair will allow you to tie streamers, poppers, and even hopper patterns. Having the ability to customize colors and density is something that makes this natural hair so attractive for tyers and why many professionals use it. When it comes to trimming, take your time and make small adjustments because once it’s cut it won’t go back on!

Topwater bass fishing is a great alternative to trout fishing when temps get too warm. Explosive and aggressive eats will make you forget all about trout sipping dries off the surface and might just fuel another addiction. Enjoy the process and dog days of summer, no matter the species you are targeting. The Deer Hair Frog is a pattern that will turn those traditionally slower days of summer into some of the most exciting days on the water yet.


Now you know how to tie the Deer Hair Frog!

Video and ingredients courtesy of Savage Flies.


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