Charlie Craven’s Fly Tying Desk Tour


Charlie Craven, an avid fly tier, fly shop owner, and author takes us on a journey through his fly tying desk. Fly tying for Charlie started when he was 8 years old, and his fly tying passion continued when opening Charlie’s Fly Box, selling retail, and putting fly tying clinics together.

Known for his famous Jujubaetis, Fat Angie, and Two-Bit-Hooker, Craven is one of the most influential fly tyers within the industry. Craven also has in-depth fly tying tutorials you can find on YouTube if you’re just getting into fly tying. Check out his YouTube channel by clicking here.

Check out this video showcasing his fly-tying workstation; you might discover valuable additions for your own tying setup! Follow @charliesflybox on Instagram, or go visit the shop in Arvada, Colorado.

Check out the articles below:

Featured Fly Tyer: Charlie Craven

How to Tie: The Parawulff


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