Video of the Week: Our Wild


This installment of the Video of the Week features a film created by Ben Kraushaar about the public lands of Wyoming. We were able to sit down and ask Ben some questions about the film:

Flylords: What was your inspiration for the film?

Ben: It’s hard to pin down all the inspirations for this film. First, I grew up in Durango, Colorado and my entire life has revolved around outdoor recreation and access to public lands, so it made sense to make a film that touched on our wild places that belong to all Americans. Additionally, my amazing girlfriend, Anna Ortega, is a P.h.D. student at the University of Wyoming and is studying the World’s longest mule deer migration.She loves research and mule deer just as much as she loves fly fishing so I wanted to tell a story that combined her passions.These deer travel 150 miles twice a year from the Red Desert to Hoback near Jackson Hole and rely on public lands and open spaces to complete this annual journey. I made this film with the hopes that I could help shed light on the importance of public lands for both angling and for the conservation of big game species. I encourage all of you to tune in to all the amazing research that Anna and her colleagues are conducting on big game species in Wyoming. You can check them out at an on Instagram @migrationinitiative.

Flylords: How long were you on the road with the anglers in the film?

Ben: Unfortunately, I was only able to join Anna and her two friends Emily and Rica out in the field for two weeks. They collected field data for three months, but I was only able to document a small portion of their summer.

Flylords: What was the most memorable part of making the film?

Ben: That’s a tough question. The entire two weeks was very memorable but if there is one moment that stands out, it is probably our encounter with a grizzly bear. Its always a treat to see such a powerful and amazing creature.

Flylords: Can you give us some backstory to the trips 4-legged companion, Harper?

Ben: Harper is Rica’s rescue pup. I’m pretty sure she is part coyote and is in her element romping through remote places in Wyoming.

Flylords: Where in Wyoming was the film shot?

Ben: This film was shot all over Wyoming. Some clips were from the Laramie area, some near Pinedale, some near Hoback, the Red Desert and Dubois.

Flylords: What was the most memorable catch of the trip?

Ben: Anna’s big brown was the most memorable. That big fella munched a tiny RS2 on 6x tippet and some how didn’t break Anna off. We were all stoked she landed that one.

Be sure to check out some more of Ben’s work on his Vimeo and Instagram.

The Video of the Week is written and selected by FlyLords team member Conner Grimes.



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