Video of The Week: The Away Game


In this week’s segment, we take a look back at Will Phelp’s short film called “The Away Game”. The focus is on more than just chasing bull trout it’s encompassing the idea of doing it yourself. Sometimes you get outdated information or just straight up bad info. There’s a beauty in itself when you take the time to figure it out yourself, its something that just makes it feel so much sweeter.

In this case, we catch up with Will and Erika on their trip out of the country in unfamiliar territory chasing a fish that is a complete unknown variable to both of them. In all terms of having the home-field advantage, these bulls really made Will and Erika work through the blood, sweat, and many miles to come away from the field feeling like they won the away game.

Check out these rad videos too!

Throwback Video of the Week: Along the Way

Video of the Week: Resilient Waters

Video of the Week: Bull Trout Case



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