In this week’s “How to Tie†video feature, Charlie Craven shows us how to tie a fly that should be a staple in every mayfly box, the RS2.
Difficulty: Easy
The RS2 is a versatile mayfly created by Rim Chung that can be fished as a nymph, emerger, or dryfly. This version tied by Charlie Craven employs synthetic materials over naturals that Chung originally used. These substitutes can offer better durability, availability, and cost efficiency, while not affecting the fly’s profile. Fall offers an exceptional opportunity for imitating small mayflies, which is why the RS2 is typically tied from sizes 16 to 24.
Varying sizes and colors of mayflies on your unique water should influence your time on the vise. Attempting to understand a pattern in hatches and bringing this knowledge to the vise to imitate size and color accurately will pay dividends on the water. Tying the tails into this fly may be tedious and frustrating but having them separated is very important to profile. Selecting various dubbing colors allows for a wider selection of imitation and is highly encouraged.
Pairing the RS2 with the correct weight for your desired presentation is very important. Floatant can be utilized when fishing this fly as a dry but depending on where the fish are feeding subsurface will determine the necessary splitshot. Changing leader size and length will also affect how your fly sinks and adjusting both methods as needed will inevitably produce fish. Having various sizes and colors of the RS2 in your fly box will enable you to match the hatch the next time you are on the water this fall.
- Hook: TMC 101 #16-24
- Thread: 8/0 Gray UNI
- Tail: White Tailing Fibers
- Abdomen: Gray Super Fine Dubbing
- Wing: Bright White Antron Yarn
- Thorax: Gray Super Fine Dubbing
Now you know how to tie the RS2.
Video and ingredients courtesy of Charlie’s Fly Box.