How to Make a Single Handed Spey Cast


The Spey Cast, a casting technique originating in Scotland in the 1800s which is named after the river Spey. This just so happens to be one of Scotland’s highly rated salmon rivers. This intricate style of casting is best known for having little or no back cast. Essentially, this style is a more dynamic roll-cast giving anglers the ability to shoot and swing their flies in wide river systems. Typically when you think of Spey rods, you imagine long 11-22′ rods. Although these longer rods help, the Spey cast can be executed effectively with your typical 9′ 5 weight single-handed rod. There are many situations in which the Spey cast is deemed essential and is one that all anglers should apply to their bag of tricks. In this tips and tricks tutorial, Rio Brand Manager Simon Gawesworth demonstrates how to effectively Spey cast with a single-handed fly rod.

How to Perform the Single-Handed Spey Cast

  1. To start, you need to learn how to roll cast correctly and effectively.
  2. When loading your rod, bring your rod back further to create a larger D-Loop in your line which will allow you to shoot your line more effectively.
  3. Make sure there is only a foot of fly line touching the water. This will avoid drag when shooting your line forward.

Three Key Takeaways:

  1. Learn to roll-cast properly.
  2. Have a larger D-Loop in your slack fly line.
  3. Limit the amount of fly line touching the water.

Now that you have the Spey (switch) cast mastered, its time to hit the river! Tight Lines!

How to Tie: The Pine Squirrel Trout Spey Streamer

April Vokey’s 3 Tips for Improving your Spey Cast

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