Ross Purnell and Rodrigo Salles take on the challenge of the Payara in the latest film from Flyfisherman Magazine premiering at the link above at 7 PM EST tonight. More than just fishing the new film highlights the Kayapo Tribe’s battle against the damming of their home waters.
“On Brazil’s Xingu River, Kayapo warriors use the enormous fangs from vampire fish to cut and scar their arms. Join two adventurous fly fishers in their quest to catch these magnificent jungle fish and become the first outsiders to participate in this ancient ritual.”
The film will premiere on Youtube, Facebook, and IGTV tonight at 7 PM EST.
Read more about the Kayapos and the wild fanged fish of the Xingu River, here!
Payara “Vampire Fish” – Everything You’d Want to Know and Tips for Catching