Great news for Wyoming anglers, the Bureau of Land Management just acquired 35,670 acres of private land located to the southwest of Casper, WY that also includes 8.8 miles of shoreline on the North Platte River. Even more impressive than the fishing access is the effect this purchase will have on public land access in the state.

According to the Casper Star Tribune, “Federal ownership of the property also creates a 118-square-mile block of contiguous public land that connects 40,000 acres of formerly unreachable state and federal lands.”

The purchase is considered a part of President Biden’s America the Beautiful Initiative, also known as “30×30”, a program to conserve 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030.

“This acquisition marks a big step forward for improving public access,” and is a “unique opportunity to conserve crucial wildlife habitat at a landscape scale,” BLM High Plains district manager Kevin Christensen said in a statement.

You can learn more about the acquisition and access in this article from the Casper Star Tribune.


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