A note from Kaleb Reid:

“On this particular day, I was searching for trout, so I decided to make my way home after a few hours with no fish to hand. While on my way, I wanted to check one last spot. I pulled up to a cove on the lake and noticed a seal off in the distance, chasing a school of fish into the shallows. Quickly setting up my fly rod, I tied on a shrimp pattern and rushed down to the shoreline. Once I stepped into the water, I laid out a long cast. Before I could even begin to strip line in, there was a fish on the other end pulling line off my reel! I knew it wasn’t a trout by the way it was fighting. After a short while, I netted my first Cod. The next few hours consisted of non-stop action. Fish, after fish, after fish. They hit anything you could throw at them, mouse patterns and even deer hair poppers. If you pick the fly, these fish will most likely eat it!”

This week’s segment of the Angler Story of the Week from Kaleb Reid, find him on Instagram at @kalebreid.

Check out the articles below:

Flylords Holiday Fly Fishing Gift Guide

Angler Story of the Week: Latitude Guiding Mike Kirkpatrick


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