A note from Sam Allen:

“Bluefin tuna are, in my opinion, the pinnacle of the fly fishing world. They are remarkably wily fish, feeding with reckless abandon at one moment only to be spooked by the slightest unfamiliar sight or sound the next. Success requires equal parts: skilled angling and adept boat handling, along with a healthy dose of luck. The angler and captain must be perfectly in sync and each piece of equipment has to perform flawlessly from the moment those feeding tuna are spotted until the moment the gaff hoists one over the gunnel.” 

Angler Story of the Week from Sam Allen, be sure to check out his Instagram @milwaukeeflies and Capt. Mike Silva @silvascalesntalessportfishing. Check out the post by clicking here. 

Check out the articles below:

Bluefin Tuna on The Fly: An Attainable Pipe Dream

Angler Story of the Week: Bluefin Tuna Landed on the fly


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