The Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited has voiced its opposition to a proposed regulation affecting 12 streams known for their wild trout populations.

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is slated to conduct a final vote on October 23-24 regarding a regulation that would mandate the catch-and-release of wild brown trout in select waterways, allowing stocked trout to be retained in those areas.

This regulation would make brown trout in the 12 specified streams catch-and-release only. Other trout species would maintain the current creel limit of five trout a day (minimum length of 7 inches) during spring and summer. These waterways would be catch-and-release from the day after Labor Day until the third Monday of February.

The 12 streams under consideration for this regulation in central and eastern Pennsylvania are: Bald Eagle Creek (section 06), Fishing Creek (sections 13 and 14), Kishacoquillas Creek (section 05), Little Lehigh Creek (sections 04 and 07), Martins Creek (section 01), Monocacy Creek (section 09), Penn’s Creek (section 02), Pohopoco Creek (section 04), and Yellow Creek (section 04).

Take a look at the full article from Brian Whipkey, a PA Outdoors Columnist for the Daily American. 

Check out the articles below:

Help Protect Pennsylvania’s Migratory Wild Trout!

Tips for Catching Brook Trout: Pennsylvania’s Gem


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