Enter the TU 5Rivers Fish Responsibly Tournament, here!

From Trout Unlimited 5Rivers Program:


TU Costa 5 Rivers is hosting the first annual “Fish Responsibly” virtual fishing themed scavenger hunt tournament on June 26th-July 10th.

Grab your crew of fishing buddies to battle others from around the nation for thousands of dollars in prizes, and a years’ worth of team bragging rights!


First Place Team: Each team member will win 1X Costa Sunglasses (Diego or Waterwomen Frame), 1X Fishpond Grand Teton Carry-On Bag with TU logo, 1X bag of Early Riser Coffee

Second Place Team: Each team member will win 1X Fishpond Flat Tops Wader Bag with TU Logo, 1X 5 Rivers RepYourWater Lid

Third Place Team: Each team member will win a 1X Brodin net with TU logo, and a 1X Wingo Prize Pack

By registering to participate in the tournament you will get a “Fish Responsibly” Sticker, an exclusive discount code for Early Riser Coffee Co., and will automatically be entered into our digital “door prize” raffle!


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Digital “door prizes” include:

1X Orvis Helios 3D Limited Edition

1X RepYourWater Fine Art Piece + Gift Card

1X Orvis Hydros Reel

1X Cheeky Tyro Reel

1X Simms prize (TBD)

1X Fishpond Gift Card

1X Vedavoo Beast or Seam Sling Pack (winners choice)

1X Rising Prize Pack

How It Works: 

  • Registration starts June 18th and closes midnight on June 25th
    • Team member registration is $15 per member. Teams must be comprised of 3-10 people. All tournament proceeds will be allocated to the upcoming 5 Rivers Community Fund. A student-led fund that helps TU Costa 5 Rivers Clubs around the country perform on the ground conservation work in their community.
  • Follow @tucosta5rivers on Instagram to get your scorecard each week
    • Scoring metrics will be based on accomplishing various goals outlined on your weekly scorecard
    • All scoring will be conducted via Instagram by tagging the @tucosta5rivers account with hashtag #FishResponsibly2020 and #(yourteamname) in your Instagram posts and story posts.
    • The team with the most collective points by team members wins the tournament. Teams with the second and third most points by team members will win second and third place respectively.
  • The TU Costa 5 Rivers Instagram page will make a bi-weekly leader board post to keep everyone informed on who is winning and will periodically drop 24-hour “flash challenges” (hint, hint) on our Instagram story.
  • Upon completion of the tournament on July 10th at midnight, winning teams and “door prize” winners will be announced on July 13th.


  1. Follow state and local guidelines regarding outdoor recreation, fishing regulations and social distancing
  2. By participating, you agree to TU Costa 5 Rivers “Fish Responsibly” Tournament Wavier
  3. Follow “Keep Em Wet” principles and practice catch & release. This is a non-kill tournament.
  4. All scoring will be conducted via Instagram. Please tag @tucosta5rivers in your post with hashtag #Fishresponsibly2020 #(yourteamname).*

*Note: For points to count, you have to post everything on Instagram with the proper tags. Your account also needs to be set to PUBLIC for the duration of the tournament so we can see your posts! Otherwise, points will be forfeited. This ensures the most accurate score possible for everyone participating.

  1. In the event of a tie, the team to post all of their content on Instagram first wins
  2. You are at least 18 years old and reside in the United States of America, and meet all other eligibility requirements outlined below.


Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States age 18 years of age or older (or at least the age of majority as legally mandated by the entrant’s jurisdiction of residence if greater than 18) at the date of entry. Subject to all applicable federal & state & local laws & regulations. Void where prohibited by law. Employees & their immediate families (parents, children, spouse, siblings) of Trout Unlimited (“the Sponsor”), its advertising & promotion agencies, their respective parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, sales representatives &/or distributors, & their immediate families, & those living in the same household (whether related or not) are not eligible to enter.

Trout Unlimited (TU) Costa 5 Rivers “Fish Responsibly” Tournament Rules and Limitations:

By participating in the “Fish Responsibly” tournament, participants agree to be bound by the rules and decisions of Trout Unlimited (TU) Costa 5 Rivers as well as the website’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. By participating in the “Fish Responsibly Tournament” and/or accepting prize(s), you agree to the “Fish Responsibly” Wavier & Photo Release and Competition Rules. TU Costa 5 Rivers reserves the right to use participants’ content, photos, full names, and email addresses for promotional purposes, however, this information will never be sold or distributed to third parties. TU Costa 5 Rivers reserves the right to update the Rules and Limitations from time to time as well as the rules and processes of the “Fish Responsibly Tournament”. If you do not agree with these “Fish Responsibly” tournament Rules and Limitations, do not participate in the “Fish Responsibly” tournament.

Slammin’ Sammin’

2019 5 Rivers Rendezvous – West Recap

2019 5 Rivers Rendezvous – Midwest Recap

Trout Unlimited 5 Rivers Fish Responsibly Tournament


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