Questions with a Captain: Josh Laferty

An unscripted & uncensored peek into the minds of Alaskan guides.


Community showers that might have hot water, basic electricity powered by a generator (so don’t forget to fill it), bears that prowl through camp at night, and sleeping in a wood and tarp tent for six months – these are just a few things that ensure that the guides up at Alaska’s Naknek River Camp never have a dull moment.

After spending last summer with this crew we couldn’t help but be impressed by their passion and dedication for what they do… and the sheer insanity. Get to know a little more about the guides that really make Alaska tick.

Flylords: So, tell us, who is Josh Lafferty?

Josh: Well, great question. Probably one of the hardest I’ve ever answered. I have no idea who he is. I really don’t. But I’ve spent my whole life looking for him and he’s there somewhere and he is probably something. 

Flylords: How did you end up in King Salmon, Alaska? 

Josh: Well, on an airplane of course, just like everybody else! That’s the only way to get here. 

Flylords: Why does a typical day look like for you?

Josh: It is so various and all over the map. But at the end of the day every day is a good one and we just try to make the best of it. 

Flylords: How do you prepare for a season in Alaska? 

Josh: Oh you know, pack some bags and buy some shit. Paint some beads. It’s pretty easy actually. It’s a mental and a physical checklist but if you’re comfortable where you’re at it’s easy. 

Flylords: What’s one thing that you wouldn’t hit the water without?

Josh: A good clean pair of panties.  

Flylords: Where do you live in the off-season?

Josh: Babe Mountain, baby.

Flylords: Do you guide anywhere else? 

Josh: Yes. Back at home and various other places sometimes. 

Flylords: How is it different from Alaska? 

Josh: Only in the process. It’s all customer service at the end of the day but there’s a certain feel here and a certain place you have to be into and that’s different than anywhere you’ll ever find yourself in the lower 48. 

Flylords: What occupies your time in the off-season? 

Josh: As little as possible! 

Flylords: What’s your favorite fish to target in your own backyard?

Josh: There’s a certain affinity for what I have at home and what I have abroad I love them both. I can’t tie myself down to one thing, I wouldn’t do it. It’s un-American. 

Flylords: If you were a fly or streamer pattern which would you be?

Josh: I mean, of all the patterns out there, if someone called you a Llama – it’s ever practical, ever useful, ever successful. If you were to ever say ‘Yo man, I gotta have it’ What would you do? Put a llama on! Pink, purple, black, white, olive…ooooh! 

Flylords: What’s your favorite part about being up in Alaska? 

Josh: Easy, my friends. 

Flylords: What do you miss about home?  

Josh: Biscuits and gravy. 

To find out what Josh is up to, follow him on Instagram @captjoshlaferty


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