MeatEater Premieres Das Boat Season 2


After a successful and hilarious first season, the MeatEater crew is back at it again with a familiar cast and fresh guests eager to make their impact on this year’s boat.

“Das Boat” remains one of the craziest concepts for a fishing show we have ever heard of. The MeatEater crew buys an old boat and take it on the road, handing it off to famous eanglers to take on their favorite waters. The plan: Give the anglers one day to modify the craft as they see fit, and take it out on the water for some fishy shenanigans.

From MeatEater:

“In the first episode of Season 2, Steve introduces you to the new Das Boat—Dos Boat. After a bumpy start, Steve gets to South Haven, MI, where he recruits the help of local charter captain Grant Gulley. Steve, Grant, and a local fabricator put in 10 hours of work getting the boat ready to fish for lake trout in 100 feet of water. With good reason, Grant is somewhat skeptical about the 14 foot, 50-year-old boat’s ability to handle the big water of Lake Michigan. Luckily, the conditions are perfect allowing them to deep water troll for the native char better known as lake trout. Along the way, they discuss Jon Gary—Steve’s fishing mentor and the original captain of Dos Boat—the young anglers Jon influenced, the decline (and comeback) of the lake trout, and a whole lot more. They might even catch some fish.”

We will continue to update this page with new episodes as they are released over the coming weeks!

Season Finale of MeatEater’s Das Boat Premieres

MeatEater Launches “Bent” Fishing Podcast

Faces of Fly Fishing: Miles Nolte from MeatEater


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