Massive Fish Kill Strikes Biscayne Bay


As residents around northern Biscayne Bay, Florida began to wake up and take their usual morning stroll along the Bay, they discovered something putrid and alarming: thousands of dead fish rolling in the shallow surf. Immediately, concerned citizens sent images and messages to Miami Waterkeeper, a non-profit dedicated to protecting and conserving the Bay.

“This is it, this is what we’ve been warning about and we’re starting to see fish die. We’ve already seen our seagrass die and this is the big red flashing arrow that we have a problem,” Rachel Silverstein, of Miami Waterkeeper, said. “We are beyond the time to act. Something terrible has already happened, but we need to prevent this from becoming an emergency across even more of the bay.”

Currently, the exact cause of the fish kill is unknown, but it’s hypothesized that it was caused by some combination of climate change factors and pollution causing an algae bloom.


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@MiamiWaterKeeper needs our eyes on the water. Biscayne Bay is in terrible shape… currently experiencing an unprecedented fish kill in the northern region of the Bay. Every species is affected and showing no signs of letting up. Please follow the Miami Waterkeeper pages on IG and FB for current updates… tag them in any current videos and HELP US SPREAD THE WORD. #SAVEBISCAYNEBAY” – @CaptBennyBlanco

We will continue to monitor the news and update this article as more details emerge.

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  1. Please do not use the junk term ” climate change” as generic for environmental issues because that lets the possibly real culprits off the hook. It is important to identify the real cause so the real problem can be fixed.
    First, there is global warming . It has been going on for 12000 years as this is the Holocene interglacial warming period of the 34 million year old Ice Age. There is not ‘climate change ‘ as the Ice Age and the Holocene continue on.
    What there is in Florida is water diversion and sewage dumping and if those are the cause, they can be directly fixed. Far too many cities and regions are hiding behind the boogeyman of fake climate change while actively ruining the water quality.


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