Concerned beachgoers in Wareham, Massachusetts were shocked when they saw a fin slowing waving its way through the chop last week. Was it a shark? An injured whale? The concerned public had no way of knowing, so they did what they could, and called 911.
What resulted was one of the funnier responses we’ve seen a local Department of Natural Resources issue:
10/12/2020 12:50PM
We are aware of a sunfish in Broad Cove. We have checked on it, and it is…
Posted by Wareham Department of Natural Resources on Monday, October 12, 2020
“We are aware of a sunfish in Broad Cove. We have checked on it, and it is doing normal sunfish activities. It’s swimming. It is not stranded or suffering. The sunfish is FINE.
Don’t be jealous just because it’s not swimming weather anymore!
Ocean Sunfish are no strangers to the Massachusetts coast. They feed all summer in the warm waters of Cape Cod bay fattening up before the colder water temperatures of fall and winter drive them back out to deeper waters offshore.
Quick Ocean Sunfish Facts:
- They can weigh over a ton, reaching upwards of 2,200 lbs
- They are the largest boned fish in the ocean
- Females of the species can produce more eggs than any other known vertebrate
- Powerful swimmers in deep water, however, they are relatively helpless in shallower seas
In case you need a laugh:
And no, you shouldn’t call the aquarium either.
To read more about the Wareham Ocean Sunfish, check out this article from The Cape Cod Times!