Keep Fish Wet is one of the premier authorities when it comes to best fish handling practices. The organization develops science-based recommendations to help anglers reduce their impact on fisheries all around the globe. For example, while there are different handling protocols for different types of fish and even fishing methods, KFW’s number one principle to increase a fish’s survival is to minimize air exposure to as little time as possible–or just keep ’em wet! Now this might seem like a common sense idea, but you’d be surprised how poorly some fish are handled and then released. Catch and release mortality is a real thing, and anglers should make every effort to maximize the survival rates of fish they catch.
Another factor contributing to higher post-release mortality is air and water temperatures. So, July’s traditional scorching heat and water temps can become particularly hazardous for fisheries around the country. That’s why KFW is putting on its second annual No Fish Dry July to highlight fish handling science and challenge anglers to avoid those grip ‘n grins during this difficult time of year for some fish species, and instead share non-fish pictures. Did we mention there’s an awesome prize package!
Keep Fish Wet Press Release:
Amherst, MA — July 1st, 2022 — Announcing the second annual No Fish Dry July, an
initiative to help anglers create better outcomes for each fish they release. For the month of July, Keep Fish Wet and Ten And Two Co. challenge anglers to make a 31-day commitment to not take a single photo of a fish. All month long Keep Fish Wet will be sharing inspiration for fish-less photography and the science behind what happens to fish as water temperatures rise.
With many places across North America experiencing extreme drought and higher than average water temperatures, the way we handle fish during the hottest time of year is crucial to their well-being. As water temperatures rise, fish become physiologically stressed, increasing the time it takes for them to recover from capture and handling, and increasing the chance of mortality once released.
Instead, we encourage anglers to post other artful shots of their summer angling experience. This simple shift in the fishing community’s catch-and-release behavior could do years of good for your fish’s home water. After all, fishing is rarely just about catching fish.
Follow along on social media as well as at to learn about how fish respond when the water gets warm, how you can tell if fish are stressed, and to see some beautiful fish-less photography.
Enter the giveaway to be eligible to win an awesome prize package from Waterworks Lamson, Patagonia, Bajio Sunglasses, Fulling Mill, Cheeky, Scientific Anglers, Fly Fishing Climate Alliance, and Ten And Two Co.
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