In this week’s “How to Tie” video feature, InTheRiffle ties a baitfish pattern every angler in New England should carry this fall, the Gummy Minnow.

Learn About This Fly:

Difficulty: Easy

With Bonito and False Albacore arriving in New England, it’s time to focus efforts on hooking into these speed demons. For saltwater anglers, these fish present a fantastic opportunity to spice up your late summer and fall fishing. Making sure you have the drag and backing to handle long runs will be key to landing either of these species, but the Gummy Minnow is the tool to get you hooked up to start.

Tying this pattern is more like an arts and crafts project, similar to the NYAP and various other synthetic baitfish. The Gummy Minnow is the perfect pattern to match the specific baitfish in your waters, as finicky fish want to be fed the real deal. Make sure to tie several sizes to cover all bases when heading out and have faith in time on the water when it comes to these fish.

If you like explosive runs and frustration, fishing the fall False Albacore and Bonito run might just be for you. Although it is not the longest season, anglers who consistently catch these fish will have enough memories and smiles to last the winter. Test out a few different sizes and colors of the Gummy Minnow and hope for clean line clearing this fall!


Now you know how to tie the Gummy Minnow!

Video and ingredients courtesy of InTheRiffle.


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