In this week’s “How to Tie” video feature, Lance Egan with Fly Fish Food ties a pattern every angler should have in their streamer box year round, Egan’s Poacher.

Learn About This Fly:

Difficulty: Intermediate

Although it is getting to dry fly season and trout have started looking up, we cannot forget about our subsurface friends. Nymphs and streamers will always get the job done and should be brought to the water no matter the season. Spring and summer offer some of the best dry fly fishing of the year, but some days won’t be productive unless you make the change to subsurface. Egan’s Poacher is a fantastic streamer pattern that will produce on those days the fish aren’t looking up and sure make you glad you didn’t just bring the dry box.

Tying this pattern is relatively simple and will only give you grief during the dubbing loop stage. Take your time and go slow, as this step is extremely important in building the body. You can also switch up the colors and tie a version of Egan’s Poacher in black to cover the basics, which will only help your chances at catching fish. Enjoy the tying process and take the extra time needed to learn new skills on the vise instead of rushing through for a less than ideal result.

Pairing Egan’s Poacher with another larger streamer or nymph in a double nymph rig is an effective way to fish this pattern. This is a fly originally created for European nymphing tactics, but can be fished in traditional ways as well. When the water bumps this summer from rain, or if those trout just aren’t looking up, always make sure you’re prepared. Tying a batch of Egan’s Poacher is a step in that direction!


Now you know how to tie Egan’s Poacher!

Video and ingredients courtesy of Fly Fish Food.


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