Euro-Nymphing (aka tight-line nymphing), originated in Europe and has steadily rose in popularity in the states. Although a much more technical approach, euro-nymphing allows your flies to sink much faster. Nymphing improves the chances of your flies reaching the bottom potentially resulting in greater hook-up ratios. In this tutorial, world-renowned fly fisherman Lance Egan breaks down how to create his signature euro-nymphing leader.

How to Create the Leader:

  1. Cut roughly 42 inches of 20 lb, 15 lb, and 12 lb fluorocarbon leader material.
  2. Using a blood-knot, attach the 20 lb and the 15 lb segments together.
  3. Repeat the same process with the 15 lb and 12 lb segments.
  4. Cut all tag ends flush to the knots.
  5. Connect about 18 inches of sighter material to the 12 lb segment using a blood knot.
  6. Attach a tippet ring to the end of the sighter material using a three turn clinch knot.
  7. Attach your tippet to the tippet ring using a uni-knot (length may vary).
  8. Cut about 18 inches of tippet and use a triple surgeons knot to attach the segment to the main segment of tippet.
  9. Attach your flies and hit the river!

For more in-depth fly fishing tutorials, Check out the Fly Fish Food YouTube channel.

Winter Nymphing Tips and Tricks

Your Complete Guide to Czech Nymphing (Tips, Flies, Rigs, and More)

How to Tie: Cammisa’s Sneak Attack



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