Another mining project’s ugly head is looming over a hallowed piece of wild trout and salmon water, this time in the lower 48 on Idaho’s South Fork of the Salmon River. According to Idaho Rivers United, “Midas Gold’s proposed project would destroy over 20% of critical habitat for Chinook and Bull Trout in the project area. 75% of the project disturbance would occur on public land.”
Help us stand up for Idaho’s wild salmonids and public lands and contact policymakers about the terrible detriment the proposed Midas Gold mining project would be to Idaho and the entire Salmon River drainage.
Make your voice heard, here!
From Idaho Rivers United:
“Located in the headwaters of the South Fork of the Salmon, the proposed Stibnite Mine project slated to become one of the largest gold mines in the nation. Midas Gold Corporation – a Canadian mining company – has pitched the project as an opportunity for restoration, claiming that more mining can clean up historical mining impacts.
The science shows otherwise.
Midas Gold intends to nearly triple the footprint of the historic mine area, using three open-pit mines and cyanide leaching to extract gold and antimony in the headwaters of one of Idaho’s most iconic waterways: The Salmon River.
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), released on August 13, 2020, demonstrates that even with their proposed restoration work, the project will result in a net loss of habitat for Endangered Species Act listed Chinook Salmon and Bull Trout. Over 100 million tons of contaminated mining tailings would fill Meadow Creek valley behind a 450ft dam, destroying pristine Chinook and Bull Trout habitat. Many modern mining projects have accidental spills due from tailing dam failures or operational issues, placing everything downstream at risk.”
To learn more and take action, check out these resources: