A new development threatens a popular flats fishing area called the Will Bauer Flat. Located off the coast of Placencia, Belize in the South Water Caye Marine Reserve lies a very small caye called Angelfish Caye. The flat that surrounds the caye has been named the “Will Bauer” flat, after it was made popular by Lincoln Westby and Will Bauer. The flat is a popular spot for Belizean flats guides and other marine tour guides. 

A new project is set to build a high-end “Eco-Resort” and Private Residential Complex at the expense of destroying seagrass, corals, mangroves, and flats habitats by extracting 16 thousand cubic yards of sediments from the ocean floor. The Anglerfish Caye is nothing but a small group of mangroves, as you can see in the photos below. 


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 “These projects displace flats fishing guides – individuals who rely on these areas for their economic income – while negatively impacting other fisheries such as small-scale fisheries and recreational tourism that depend on healthy ecosystems. Our nation has strived to protect our unique ecosystems not only for the benefit of our people but also for those who wish to experience the beauty and bounty of Mother Nature. However, in recent times, we have seen an alarming shift towards exploitation and destruction.” – Belize Flats Fishery Association.


Help halt the coastal development on Angelfish Caye by signing the petition HERE

Beginners Guide to Flats Fishing



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