Alright, everyone, we need your help raising some funds for a great friend and an even better human in a tight spot. On March 10th, Tanner Smith (aka @SanJuanAndEggs) was diagnosed with Stage IV Gastric Cancer. A huge upwelling of support is going on in the fly fishing community, and we want to make sure we do our part to help out a fellow angler who needs it.

There are two ways you can help support Tanner and his loved ones in their time of need. Either by donating directly to Tanner’s GoFundMe, or by joining in on the #FliesForTanner campaign, where fellow anglers and businesses are donating flies, products, guided trips, and everything in between with 100% of proceeds going to Tanner’s GoFundMe. So whether you’re looking to sample new flies, or simply give altruistically, please consider supporting our friend Tanner.

Get Involved with the #FliesForTanner fundraising effort, here!

Donate Directly to Tanner’s GoFundMe, here!

From Tanner’s GoFundMe:

On 3/10/23, our good friend Tanner Smith (aka San Juan and Eggs) was diagnosed with Stage IV gastric cancer. Tanner has quite the battle ahead of him with multiple rounds of chemotherapy, surgeries, procedures, and appointments scheduled in the coming months. Of course, this will not be an inexpensive venture. With a long and hard fight ahead of him, we want to help Tanner, his family, and his support system out financially, take some stress off, and let him focus on fighting this battle.

Ole’ San Jay, the rambling man, has explored darn near every nook and cranny of the West in search of trout and he is currently sidelined from the action. While the West’s trout certainly appreciate the break, we know there are plenty more salmonids for him to rope in on big, bushy dry flies presented along undercut banks. We reckon that the road trip of life ain’t over for ole Tanner Smith, it’s just getting started. Whether you’ve exchanged fishing stories, he’s recommended bugs to you in the shop, you’ve shared the water with him, watched a game with him, shared a cold frosty beverage with him, or spent any time with him at all, please consider helping him get the care he needs to get back out on the water where he belongs.”

You can donate directly to Tanner’s GoFundMe, here!

If you’d like to learn more about who Tanner is and why he’s so beloved in his community, check out our interview with him below.

Faces of Fly Fishing: Tanner Smith


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