The fall run is wrapping up throughout much of the Atlantic coast, and striped bass are settling into their winter patterns. However, the public comment period for Draft Addendum II, a management action seeking to reduce striped bass fishing mortality in 2024, is rapidly winding down. Striped bass stakeholders can provide comments and their preferred alternatives until the evening of December 22nd. Compared to other recent striped bass management actions, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission made Draft Addendum II pretty simple. That being said, the American Saltwater Guides Association, which has been a leading voice for striped bass conservation and precautionary fisheries management, believes that the options in this action are not enough to effectively rebuild this overfished stock by the 2029 deadline.

via. 2022 Stock Assessment. It’s important to remember that recreational harvest nearly doubled in 2022 and recruitment continues to be a major issue.

Comments can be emailed to with “Striped Bass Draft Addendum II” in the subject line. For more information check out ASGA’s comment guide: Striped Bass Addendum II – Public Comment Guide.

Ever since Maryland released the results of its 2023 spawning survey–five consecutive years of failed striped bass spawns in MD’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay, which produces 60-80% of the coast’s striped bass population–the tone around striped bass management has taken a turn towards extreme caution and calls for conservation. ASGA, and most recreational fishing groups for that matter, is recommending options B across the board and option B-1 for the Chesapeake Bay. There are some more complicated ideas like different regulations for charter captains; ASGA is opposed to this because now is not a good time with all the issues facing striped bass to allow one component of the fishery to harvest more fish. Here are the recommended positions with more context:

  • 3.1.1 Ocean Recreational Options: Option B—1-fish at 28-31″ with 2022 seasons (all modes).
  • 3.1.2 Chesapeake Bay Recreational Options: Option B1—1-fish at 19-23” with 2022 seasons (all modes).
  • 3.1.3 For-Hire Management: N/A per our positions, but Option B—applicable only to patrons if a mode split is selected.
  • 3.1.4 Recreational Filleting: Option B
  • 3.2.1 Commercial Quota Reduction Options: Option B with a 14.5% reduction to the ocean and Chesapeake fisheries.
  • 3.3 Response to Stock Assessment: Option B—Board Action.
  • 4.0 Compliance Schedule: Implement measures as soon as possible in 2024 to reduce fishing mortality. Jurisdictions that do not implement Addendum II’s final management measures in 2024 should be found out of compliance.

“As we roll into the most precarious position the Striped Bass stock has been since the mid 1980s, I beg you to be a voice for these fish,” said Captain Zak Robinson of Rising Tide Anglers. “Supporting the options most likely to protect the remaining year classes of our Bass is critical, and you still have time to write a letter or email. Public comment ends at 11:59pm on December 22nd–don’t wait!”

Hurry up and get those emails in–this incredible fishery needs your help to rebuild and afford abundant, sustainable angling opportunities for the long-term!

Striped Bass Conservation Prevails At the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission

5 Consecutive Years of Poor Striped Bass Spawning in the Chesapeake Bay–Can the Stock Rebuild?



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