Mid-air trout shots aren’t easy to capture, and harder yet are mid-air shots of trout eating a fly, and John Fallon managed to do both in this shot. Captured on a wild Pennsylvania stream during a decent hatch, it took a lot of skill, and even more luck to capture. Check out John’s advice for nailing a shot like this below!


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From @Fallon_Outdoors:

“Quick rundown on how this shot came about.
I’ve been getting a lot of questions about it.

The camera was a Sony A6000. Shutter speed was 1/1600 of a second. F 6.3 Auto ISO

I was at a location where there was about a half dozen brown trout feeding very actively. Most of the action was them just sipping bugs off of the surface. I don’t know what the hatch was, still learning about that stuff.

Every once in awhile a fish would shoot out of the water like this, I never saw if the fish was jumping for a bug, or if one was ever caught.

I sat there photographing the action for several hours, a lot of the time I would just focus on the center of the hole and let the shutter fly! Hundreds of photos of nothing, but once in awhile I’d catch a nice roll or part of a jump.

This photo was edited in Lightroom first for shadows and highlights then in Snapseed I used the brush tool to darken the dragonfly to help it stand out more. I’m nowhere near a professional so I’m sure my half ass editing skills is possibly making it look somewhat fake?
Believe me or not, I honestly don’t care.

I definitely got very lucky with this shot, but I didn’t just walk up to a stream and catch this in five minutes with my cellphone.

I put in a ton of time in this hobby and usually walk away with very little or nothing at all. You can’t get lucky if you don’t put yourself in the right place at the right time.”

Behind the Photo: Mid-Air Dryfly Eat!

Watch These Mice Get Smashed by New Zealand Brown Trout

Photographer Spotlight: Steven Ooi


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