You never know how much that antique fishing gear granddad left you might be worth. Recently, collectible antique fishing gear has been selling high at auctions, some fetching bids well into the six-figure range. Buyers for auction houses like Lang’s Auction, a fishing-specific auction house, are putting bounties out for select old fishing equipment that they know collectors are hunting for.

According to the New York Times, “in an effort to uncover some of these forgotten gems, Lang’s Auction worked with Fishbrain, an app for avid fisherman, to encourage people to go treasure hunting in their own homes, using a catalog-style listing of rare items as inspiration.”

In their article about the phenomenon, the New York Times lists several antique items that are expected to sell for well over $100,000.

To learn more, check out the NYT article, here!

Check out what went in Lang’s most recent auction, here!

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