We were supposed to go to the Montebello islands but the forecast was too bad so we decided to explore some islands around Karratha. We loaded up two boats and left in a group of 6 people.
The first day was pretty slow and we only landed a few fish. We spent the night around the campfire enjoying barbecue food followed by sleeping on the beach. We decide to go further north the second day and found huge flats. We were looking for permit and goldens when Johannes and I hopped off the boat. A few minutes later, Tyson hooked a big GT from the boat so I run back to help him. We landed that fish, took some cool pictures and released it.
We continued looking for permit, however, Tyson mentioned it would be handy to get a few 12 weight rods together just in case GT appeared out of nowhere. I was thinking there is no chance but I took off my billfish fly, attached 60lb tippet with a white flat wing fly on 5/0 hook and started to pull out some line. Less than 15 minutes later, another big GT appeared out of nowhere. I grabbed my rod, waited for the right moment and placed my cast. It was a bit too far and there was no sign of interest. I recasted, and boom, straightaway I had hooked into the GT. The fish took off with more than 100 meters of the backing peeled off the reel and finally I stopped it. I fought the fish within 20 minutes.  Everyone knows it’s not easy managing line, and everything going on with a GT attached to the end of the leader. It wasn’t easy–my fly line wrapped around the engine but we made it! I’m still over the moon. What’s the chances this happens on flats? Both fish estimated around 25kg. Happy days in Pilbara!
Big thanks to my mates: Tyson @tysonpalmer_ for landing my fish, Johannes @finsoutflies for the video and pictures and also to Cranky @crank81 and his partner Kirsten @couldyoupleasehold for their hospitality and local knowledges. Last and not least to Les @westozflies for the company and fun times. What a bunch of legends.Â
Angler Story of the Week from Martin DvorÌŒaÌk, be sure to follow martin on Instagram @mdx_flyfishing.Â