A note from Joshua Martz:

“Beach caught grandes are a journey, not a destination that’s for sure. Consistency in fishing the Baja beach is typically evidence of a misspent youth! Certainly for me. There is simply no replacement for countless hours of experience (or an excellent guide!). Knowing where to be, when and instinctual angling when it counts are critical factors. Not wasting time and knowing your high percentage targets helps a lot, but there is even more to it than that.”

“The daily window of opportunity is small. I like luck, but I certainly don’t want rely on it. I want to be on fish when everyone else thinks they’re not around. Be passionate about whatever is your pursuit. Extreme effort, and intimately knowing your craft is ultimately more rewarding than the end results. You have to take your knocks and learn as you go.”

“It’s always great to catch a Rooster or two and head back home for a beer and some locally harvested seafood. We’re blessed to spend our lives in Baja Sur!”

For more content and fish stories around Baja Sur, follow Joshua @pursuitanglers on Instagram. 

For more tips around targeting Roosterfish on the Fly check out the articles below:

Video of the Week: Baja Buffet

Costa Behind the Guides: Jeff Feczko


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