Yesterday was a great day for Bristol Bay as the US Army Corp of Engineers announced that the Pebble Mine would not be given a permit under the Clean Water Act. The action comes after a few exciting weeks as celebrities and politicians alike voiced their opposition to the mine’s construction. The mine’s proposal is being sent back to the drawing board, and unless Pebble Mine’s planning team can address the mountain of issues in their Environmental Impact Study, the project is on hold.


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From Save Bristol Bay:

“Today, the Army Corps of Engineers said it found the proposed Pebble mine would cause significant degradation to the Bristol Bay watershed and would not receive a permit under the Clean Water Act.

This is an action that supports everything we’ve been saying: Bristol Bay is too special of a place for a mine that will destroy our hunting and fishing heritage, precious wetlands and wildlife, and robust fish-based American economies. Today’s announcement means that if Pebble wants to move forward, they will need to submit a new project plan and new mitigation plan.

Today, we celebrate. Tomorrow, we come back to ensure that Pebble is gone for good and that Bristol Bay has long term protections for generations to come.”

Save Bristol Bay wasn’t the only organization to voice their elation about the good news, Orvis, Trout Unlimited and other brands in the industry lauded the move.

Check out our coverage of the Bristol Bay saga below:

Breaking News: Trump Administration Expected to, finally, #SayNoToPebbleMine

Pebble Mine Final Environmental Impact Statement: Faulted, Rushed, Still Bad for Salmon

Donald Trump Jr. Voices Opposition of Pebble Mine

Vice President Biden on Bristol Bay: “It is no place for a mine”

Over 250 Outdoor Industry Businesses Sign Letter to President Trump Opposing Pebble Mine

Why We Need To Save Bristol Bay

AFFTA Names Aug. 24 “A Day for Bristol Bay”


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