Every year on April 1st, hundreds of brands of all industries roll out gag releases ranging from ridiculous new products to borderline insane announcements. Sometimes, these come in forms we all wish were actually genuine (Dating on the Fly anyone?). With this year’s April fools day lying in the midst of some of the strangest and most trying times the world has faced within the last few decades, a good laugh was certainly needed by all.

Here, we’ve compiled a list of what we thought were some of the funniest April Fools day gags from the Fly-Fishing/ Outdoor industry.

1. Loon Outdoors – Ham Juice

We’ve heard of anglers bathing their flies in fish juice overnight, but Loon Outdoors has really outdone themselves here. With their new patented “Ham Juice” formula, getting your streamer stinky has never been so easy. Just apply one modest squirt from their known and love Loon Outdoors applicator, and get to casting. Without much luck at all, you’ll be bringing in pigs one after another.

2. CampChef – Pellet Desk Attachment

CampChef is known for their top of the line pellet smokers. However, this April 1st they’re striving to go the extra mile. By introducing their revolutionary desk attachment (compatible with all Campchef grills and smokers), they’re completely re-defining “Working from Home” (and just in the nick of time too). Never before has reading emails sounded so mouth-watering.

3. June Shine – Joe’s Jungle Juice

Looking back on this Corona situation, few will be able to forget the pop-culture sensation that slowly began to define a nation. We’re talking of course about Netflix’s Tiger King series, following Joe Exotic and his legendary big cats. Well, to commemorate your 3rd time binging this ludicrous, yet unnervingly comforting, series, why not sit back and crack open a can of June Shine’s hard Kambucha? Get a gut-friendly buzz on with the man, the myth, and the big cat legend himself looking back at you in a dazed gaze of approval.

4. Traeger Grills – Pellet Press

With stay at home in full swing, going to the store to pick up more pellets for your grill/smoker has never been more of a daunting task. Luckily, the folks over at Traeger Grills are one step ahead of everyone else, and have just announced their brand new product: The Traeger Pellet Press. Never before has getting pellets so easy. All you have to do is head out to your backyard, find one of your favorite trees, and insert a branch segment into the patented press bay. With the amount of effort it takes to juice an orange, you’ll have more pellets than a hatchery trout’s belly.

5. Matt Dort – Nova Scotia Wellness Center Fishing Comp


An announcement that we were all thrilled to see! In an effort to cure the withdrawal symptoms of the Nova Scotia Fishing season being delayed, the local wellness centre has graciously stocked their pools with trout and will be allowing anglers to fish! However, have no worries, the centre will be installing a strict 6-foot distance rule so that the spread of contamination is virtually impossible. In this time of dismay, it’s comforting to see at least one organization is thinking straight and making sure to use their resources to provide a fun and SAFE way for people to still enjoy themselves.

6. Loop Tackle – The “Barka”

Sick and tired of your car smelling like wet dog after a day on the water? Or maybe you just don’t want your fishing buddy to have to get drenched once the elements come to play. Either way, the geniuses over at Loop Tackle have developed their first edition to their sleek spring canine tech line. Introducing: The Barka. The Barka is a lightweight, highly durable, fashion-conscious rain cover that’s sure to be a treat to your canine companion.

7. Free Fly Apparel – The Exotic Accessory Collection

Designed to impress the jury in the front, but release the tiger in the back, Free Fly’s new ‘Exotic’ apparel line will have you looking like the coolest cat on the water. Designed with patented mullet technology, this hat wig hybrid is made with only the fiercest anglers in mind. Make sure to get yours today because supplies lasts just about as long as Millionaire Husbands. (Can you tell what we’ve been watching a lot of in our free time?)

8. Discovery: New Species

In the natural world, it’s astounding as to how absolutely unexplored this planet can seem. Over the last hundred years, thousands of new species have been identified from places as deep as the Mariana trench, and as tall as the peaks of the alps. Yesterday, Discovery channel not only released some rare photographs of some newly discovered species, but opened a commenting period to the community in an effort to identify them. It is truly astounding to see how much discovering we still have yet to do.

9. Mustad Fishing – The Perfect Circle Hook

Long hooks, short hooks, barbless hooks, jig hooks… the list goes on and on. However, what the industry really lacks is something that utilizes a more “all-around” purpose. Finally, Mustad Fishing has answered the prayers of anglers around the world with their release of the new “Perfect circle hook”. By utilizing circle technology, Mustad has developed a hook that makes catch and release so fats and simple, it’ll be like you never hooked a fish at all. Tired of getting home after a long day of enjoying nature and having to shower off that fishy smell? Well, with this new breakthrough in hook technology, you won’t ever have to worry about touching another yucky fish again!

Introducing: Dating on the Fly

New Species Caught on Remote Lake in Botswana

Why Are These Trout Turning Blue?


  1. The Barka is a lightweight, highly durable, fashion-conscious rain cover that’s sure to be a treat to your canine companion.David Brown famous for delicious smoker recipes, expert cooking methods, cooking tips, and tricks as well as for his cooking recipes.


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